2024: UI/UX Improvement of the Artemis Student View

Bachelor's theses

Ege Dogu Kaya



Artemis is an online learning platform that offers students and instructors a wide range of interactive learning experiences. However, the platform contains design inconsistencies as well as confusing and complex layout elements in the exam mode, course overview and tutorial groups from the student’s point of view. As a result, the complexity and distractiveness of the layouts hamper the user ex- perience, making it difficult for students to navigate and utilize the platform ef- fectively. Therefore, a redesign is required in these views. This bachelor’s thesis focuses on addressing this issue by identifying and eliminating these complex views and implementing pre-designed layouts to improve usability as well as increase conversion rates of Artemis in order to offer a more usable learning environment and satisfying experience for students.

Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Administrative office

Sophia Adelmeier

Office: 01.07.052
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18206
Fax: +49 (89) 289-18207 Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München