2022: Extension of LTI Support in Artemis

Master's theses

Manuel Manso



There is a wide range of online learning management systems (LMS) offering courses and learning content to students across many different subject areas. Artemis is an online LMS being developed at the Technical University of Munich. It allows instructors to create and manage a multitude of learning content, from courses and lectures to exercises and exams. Students can take advantage of the available content, participate in exams and exercises, and automatically be graded and receive feedback. Each learning system can have a different focus and a set of features that distinguish it from its competitors. Instructors would ideally use the best features of each system to maximize the learning potential of students. However, universities and organizations are often restricted to the use of a single LMS. The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a specification describing how learning systems can work together, with the goal of allowing students to use content from different systems to improve their learning experience. In this thesis we analyze the requirements of an ideal integration between two learning systems that assists the instructor in linking content and offers more learning tools to the student. To achieve this, we standardize the implementation of LTI in Artemis to support all LMSs. We implement the new and recommended version of LTI to support additional features and future extensibility. Finally, we summarize our work and detail how it could be continued.