2024: Enhancing Learning Path Usability in Artemis Through Intuitive User Interface Design

Master's theses

Johannes Wiest



The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies led to widespread adoption of E-learning systems, particularly during the pandemic when traditional in-person education was not possible. This shift underlined the importance of diverse learning rhythms and paces among students, a challenge particularly in larger classes. To address this, Artemis, an open-source interactive learning platform, introduced learning paths tailored to individual learner goals and capacities. However, despite the functionality of learning paths, Artemis currently lacks an intuitive user interface, hindering the adoption and usability of the feature. This deficiency not only impacts students’ learning experiences but also hinders proper management of the feature for instructors. The resulting low adoption rate sustains reliance on traditional learning methods, potentially overlooking valuable learning opportunities. By integrating cognitive load theory principles, this thesis aims to develop a learner-centered interface for learning paths within Artemis, enhancing user engagement and usability. After creating high-fidelity mock-ups to assess user acceptance, the next step involves implementing the necessary changes on both the server and client sides of Artemis. The thesis seeks to bridge the gap between functionality and user experience, ultimately fostering a more effective and accessible e-learning environment.

Artemis is open source and available on https://github.com/ls1intum/Artemis