Agile Development

Agile methods and philosophies like e.g. Scrum are used more and more in software engineering projects in university and industry. They offer many advantages and possibilities in the development and management of software. Researching the different possibilities of agile methods, as well as the development of new methods are therefore a central research topic at our chair. We also put emphasis on the practical use of agile techniques in teaching.


Use of agile methods in real projects with real clients within the iOS Praktikum:

  • iOS Praktikum 2012
  • iOS Praktikum 2013
  • iOS Praktikum 2014
  • Advanced Project Management (SS12)
  • Advanced Project Management (SS13)
  • Advanced Project Management (SS14)


Many research questions, that we investigate, are related to the conduction of projects with real industry partners in innovation projects where technologies and requirements are rapidly changing and where flexibility is required. Such projects at our chair are usually very short (three months) and balanced teams with experienced as well as unexperienced developers can only work part-time on the project. In larger projects we have multiple teams working on the same project.

Important research questions in this area are e.g.:

  • Setup of the project infrastructure
  • Introduction of agile concepts
  • Development of processes and workflows to improve the collaboration
  • Organization of projects with more than 20 team members
  • Balance between teaching and project management An important part of our research are case studies of established and newly developed agile methods, that we use to find out whether the applied workflows help developers and managers to improved the outcome of the project. We conduct such case studies especially in the iOS Praktikum.

Research members


Open theses

Master's ThesesAdvanced LLM Techniques for Text-Based Exercises in Higher Education
Advisor(s)Felix T.J. Dietrich
Supervisor(s)Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

This master’s thesis aims to enhance educational outcomes on Artemis by reducing tutor workload and improving the student learning experience. We’ll build on Athena’s preliminary work that deployed Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 to provide automatic feedback on text-based exercises. The focus is to employ more advanced LLM techniques such as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning Llama 3 with historical feedback data. The project will proceed in two phases: refining the feedback system for more context-sensitive, automated responses, and then evaluating and comparing the system’s accuracy, efficiency, and educational impact.

Master's ThesesFurther Development of the Version Control and Continuous Integration in Artemis
Advisor(s)Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Programming exercises in Artemis can be realized with Bitbucket/Bamboo, Gitlab/Jenkins, GitlabCI or LocalVCS/CI. This allows flexibility for Artemis admins. LocalVCS/CI provides an easy setup for developers and for universities to try out Artemis. However, not all functionality for programming exercises is available on all combinations of version control and continuous integration subsystems In this thesis, the missing features should be implemented. In addition, the concept of build agents and dockerized builds should be realized within LocalCI.

Bachelor's ThesesTemplates for All Programming Languages in Artemis
Advisor(s)Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Artemis supports any programming language for programming exercises. Currently, it includes templates for many popular languages, however templates for a couple of languages is still missing. In this thesis, new templates for programming exercises will be developed and tested with the Bitbucket/Bamboo and Gitlab/Jenkins and LocalVCS/CI. In addition, static code analysis should be integrated into more programming exercise templates. Artemis is open source and available on


Closed theses

No theses found


Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche