Field Grid is an all-in platform for farm management, designed to be used in remote areas; it is an offline-first application. Features include operations for sharing of equipment, device unlocking and operation, sensor data readout, and integration with IoT devices. Using Field Grid, farmers can centrally manage their equipment, sensors, and tasks.

Team members: Felix Dietrich (Project Leader), Jakob Körber (Coach), Deniz Öztürk, Derin Amal, Maximilian Märkl, Nadir Alcalde Echegaray, Ons Bahrouni, Simon Karan.

Customers: Martin Glas, Mark Meinczinger.

Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Administrative office

Sophia Adelmeier

Office: 01.07.052
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18206
Fax: +49 (89) 289-18207 Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München