Jan Philip Bernius, Stephan Krusche, and Bernd Brügge Receive Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award

Tuesday, 3 August 2021 • Bernd Brügge

Jan Philip Bernius, Stephan Krusche, and Bernd Brügge received the Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award. The award honors the innovative and successful teaching project Automatic Correction of Free-Text Assignments.

The Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award is presented to instructors for innovative projects that improving teaching at TUM. The project Automatic Correction of Free-Text Assignments was funded by the TUM Teaching Fund. As part of the project, we implemented the Athena system for automated assessment of textual exercises. We used Athena as part of Artemis in the “Introduction to Software Engineering” lecture with > 2.000 participating students. In addition, we published the project results in the paper “A Machine Learning Approach for Suggesting Feedback in Textual Exercises in Large Courses” at the ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale 2021.

Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Administrative office

Sophia Adelmeier

Office: 01.07.052
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18206
Fax: +49 (89) 289-18207 Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München