Maximilian Sölch, M.Sc.

Postal Address
Technical University of Munich
Maximilian Sölch, M.Sc. (CIT–I1)
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München
Office hours by appointment. Please contact me via e-mail.

🧑‍🔬 Research Topics & Interests

  • Semi-Automatic Assessment
  • Adaptive Learning

📄 Publications

↓ 2023

📢 Presentations

↓ 2023

Is Online Teaching Dead After COVID-19? Student Preferences for Programming Courses.
35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2023). Tokyo, Japan, August 2023.

Integrating Competency-Based Education in Interactive Learning Systems.
13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK23). Virtual, March 2023.

🏛 Organization

🏆 Awards

💻 Projects

👨‍🏫 Teaching

↓ Summer 2022


  • 2023: Self-organizing Industrial Cyber-physical Systems

Joint Advanced Student School (JASS)

  • 2023: Smart context-sensitive traffic control

📚 Theses

If you are interested in writing your thesis in the research group, apply using the thesis application form.

Emails directly sent to me will not be answered!

↓ 2024

↓ 2023

↓ 2022

External Profiles

On this page