Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Postal Address
Technical University of Munich
Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche (CIT–I1)
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München
By appointment. Please contact me via email.


I am a computer science researcher and educator who inspires and encourages students to be passionate. I research at the intersection of education technologies, software engineering, and human-computer interaction and am interested in robotics and machine learning.

I love to design, build, and use education technologies. The main goal of my research is to improve students’ learning experience while decreasing the workload of teaching by using machine learning to automate tasks and free time for personal interaction.

I am part of the executive board of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies and work in the focus area Assessment & Software Development on the development, integration, application, and evaluation of educational technologies in actual courses to improve the learning experience of students and the teaching experience of faculty. I am also an expert member of the TUM Think Tank Generative AI Task Force which strives to develop guidelines and regulatory approaches in the field of generative AI.


I consider diversity as essential. I am committed to advancing women’s careers in computer science, actively mentoring them and promoting their inclusion through outreach programs to schools such as ExploreTUM,, and HackerSchool. By presenting young girls and women with female students as role models and real-life examples of the possibilities of software engineering and artificial intelligence, we inspire and nurture their interest in computer science. This helps to foster a future in which everyone has equal opportunities to contribute to technological advancements.

Within my research group and in my projects and courses, I actively strive for an international and diverse community. This diversity goes beyond nationality, ethnicity, and gender, extending to differences in experiences, perspectives, and ideas. Each unique insight can lead to breakthroughs in research, teaching, and the application of computer science. For me, respect, diversity, inclusion, equality, and equity are not just values, but guiding principles for action. I firmly believe that embracing diversity will catalyze our journey towards realizing the full potential of computer science. I am a fellow in the program Cultural Competence in Computing to develop professional programs which foster more inclusive and equitable cultures.

Significant Publications

↓ 2024

↓ 2023

ChatGPT for Good? on Opportunities and Challenges of Large Language Models for Education.
Enkelejda Kasneci, Kathrin Sessler, Stefan Küchemann, Maria Bannert, Daryna Dementieva, Frank Fischer, Urs Gasser, Georg Groh, Stephan Günnemann, Eyke Hüllermeier, Stephan Krusche, Gitta Kutyniok, Tilman Michaeli, Claudia Nerdel, Jürgen Pfeffer, Oleksandra Poquet, Michael Sailer, Albrecht Schmidt, Tina Seidel, ..., and Gjergji Kasneci.
In: Learning and Individual Differences, Volume: 103. March 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2023.102274

↓ 2022

↓ 2021

↓ 2020

↓ 2019

↓ 2018

↓ 2017

↓ 2016

↓ 2015

↓ 2014

↓ 2012

A list of all publications can be found here

Program Committees & Organization

  • General Chair: CSEE&T 2025: Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (co-located with ICSE). Ottawa - Canada, April 2025
  • PC member: CSEE&T 2024: International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE. Würzburg - Germany, August 2023
  • PC member: ICSE 2024 SEET: International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training, ACM/IEEE. Lisbon - Portugal, April 2024
  • PC member: SEUH 2024: Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen. Linz - Austria, February 2024
  • PC member: CSEE&T 2023: International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE. Tokyo - Japan, August 2023
  • PC member: UMAP 2023: International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, ACM. Limassol - Cyprus, June 2023
  • Organizer: SEENG 2023, Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation @ ICSE. Melbourne - Australia, May 2023
  • PC member: ICSE 2023 SEET: International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training, ACM/IEEE. Melbourne - Australia, May 2023
  • PC member: SEUH 2023: Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen. Paderborn - Germany, February 2023
  • PC member: ACMSRC 2022, ACM Student Research Competition, June 2022
  • PC member: ITiCSE 2022, 26th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2022
  • PC member: ICSE 2022 SEET: International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training, ACM/IEEE. Pittsburgh - USA, May 2022
  • Organizer: SEENG 2022, Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation, Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training @ ICSE. Pittsburgh - USA, May 2022
  • PC member: DREE 2022, First International Workshop on Designing and Running Project-Based Courses in Software Engineering Education @ ICSE 2022, May 2022
  • PC member: ITiCSE 2021, 25th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2021
  • PC member: ICSEE 2021 JSEET: International Conference on Software Engineering - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training, ACM/IEEE. Madrid - Spain, May 2021
  • Organizer: SEENG 2021, Third International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation, Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training @ ICSE 2021, May 2021
  • Associate Program Chair: SIGCSE 2021, 52th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Toronto - Canada, March 2021
  • PC member: SEELS 2021, 2nd workshop for Software Engineering for E-Learning-Systems @ SE 2021, February 2021
  • General Chair: CSEE&T 2020: Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE. Munich - Germany, July 2020
  • PC member: ICSEE 2020 SEET: International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training, ACM/IEEE. Seoul - Korea, May 2020
  • Publications Chair & Associate Program Chair: SIGCSE 2020, 51th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Portland - USA, March 2020
  • SEUH Co-Chair and SE Social Media Chair: SE 2020: Multikonferenz Software Engineering & Management, GI. Innsbruck - Austria, February 2020
  • Steering Committee member: CSEE&T: Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE. 2019 - 2024
  • PC member: HELMeTO 2019, International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online. Italy, June 2019
  • Awards Committee: ACM SRC 2019: Student Research Competition Grande Finals 2019
  • Organizer: RCoSE/DDrEE 2019, 5th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (co-located with ICSE 2019), IEEE/ACM. Montréal - Canada, May 2019
  • Student Research Competition Co-Chairs and PC member: MobileSoft 2019, 6th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (co-located with ICSE 2019), IEEE/ACM. Montréal - Canada, May 2019
  • Panels and Posters Co-Chair: CompEd 2019, 1st Global Computing Education Conference, ACM. Chengdu - China, May 2019
  • Organizer: CSE/QUDOS 2019, 4th Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering (co-located with ICSA 2019), IEEE. Hamburg - Germany, March 2019
  • PC member: SOFTENG 2019, 5th International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering, Valencia - Spain, March 2019
  • PC member: MODELSWARD 2019, 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, ACM. Prague - Czech Republic, February 2019
  • Organizer: ISEE 2019, 2nd Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education co-located with Software Engineering Conference. Stuttgart - Germany, February 2019
  • Associate Program Chair: SIGCSE 2019, 50th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Minneapolis - USA, February 2018
  • Panels and Posters Co-Chair: ITiCSE 2018, 23rd Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Larnaca - Cyprus, July 2018
  • Proceedings Chair: MobileSoft 2018, 5th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (co-located with ICSE 2018), IEEE/ACM. Gothenburg - Sweden, May 2018
  • Organizer: RCoSE 2018, 4th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (co-located with ICSE 2018), IEEE/ACM. Gothenburg - Sweden, May 2018
  • Social Media Chair: SE 2018, German Software Engineering Conference. Ulm - Germany, March 2018
  • Organizer: ISEE 2018, 1st Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education co-located with Software Engineering Conference. Ulm - Germany, March 2018
  • Organizer: CSE 2018, 3rd Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering co-located with Software Engineering Conference. Ulm - Germany, March 2018
  • PC member: SIGCSE 2018, 49th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Baltimore - USA, February 2018
  • PC member: ITiCSE 2017, 22nd Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM. Bologna - Italy, July 2017
  • PC member: RCoSE 2017, 3rd International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (co-located with ICSE 2017), IEEE/ACM. Buenos Aires - Argentina, May 2017
  • PC member: MobileSoft 2017, 4th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (co-located with ICSE 2017), IEEE/ACM. Buenos Aires - Argentina, May 2017
  • PC member: SIGCSE 2017, 48th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Seattle - USA, March 2017
  • Organizer; SEUH 2017, Tagungsband des 15. Workshops Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen. Hanover - Germany, Februar 2017 [bibtex]
  • PC member: EduSymp 2016, 12th Educators Symposium (co-located with MODELS 2016), IEEE/ACM. Saint-Malo - France, October 2016
  • PC member: MobileSoft 2016, 3rd International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (co-located with ICSE 2016), IEEE/ACM. Austin - USA, May 2016
  • Organizer: CSE 2017, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering co-located with Software Engineering Conference. Hanover - Germany, February 2017 [bibtex]
  • PC member: CSE 2016, 1st Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering (co-located with SE 2016). Vienna - Austria, February 2016
  • PC member: MobileDeli 2015, 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Development Lifecycle (co-located with SPLASH 2015). ACM. Pittsburgh - USA, October 2015
  • PC member: MODELS 2015, 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, ACM/IEEE. Ottawa - Canada, October 2015
  • PC member: MobileSoft 2015, 2nd International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (co-located with ICSE 2015), ACM. Florence - Italy, May 2015

Invited Talks

  • Keynote Artemis: Interactive Learning with Generative AI at IEEE German Education Conference, Germany. August 2024
  • Panel: AI/ChatGPT and software engineering education at International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training 2023, Japan. August 2023
  • Keynote ChatGPT - Opportunities and challenges for education (ChatGPT - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Bildung) at the meeting of the nationwide network of vice presidents for university teaching, Germany. April 2023
  • Keynote ChatGPT - Opportunities and challenges for education (ChatGPT - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Bildung) at the 3rd teaching-aperitif at the TUM, Germany. March 2023
  • Keynote Interactive Learning - a Scalable and Adaptive Learning Approach for Large Courses at 10th Ecuadorian Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (TICEC), Ecuador. October 2022
  • Keynote Rugby – An Agile Process Model for Continuous Software Engineering at the doctoral symposium of the 10th Ecuadorian Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (TICEC), Ecuador. October 2022
  • Presentation Artemis: interaktives Lernen mit individuellem Feedback (German) at a 25 years anniversary Workshop at TU Dresden, Germany. September 2022
  • Keynote Interactive Learning - Shorter Cycles with Immediate Feedback at the German software engineering professor meeting, Germany. February 2022
  • Presentation iOS Education at TUM at an International Workshop for Educators organized by Apple, Germany. September 2021
  • Presentation Artemis - Interactive Learning with Automated Feedback- A Roadmap for the next 5 years at the Codeability Workshop, Austria. May 2021
  • Keynote Interactive Learning: Best Practices at the professorial meeting TUM School of Management, Germany, July 2020
  • Guest Lecture System Architecture for Continuous Delivery at University of Passau, Germany. July 2019
  • Presentation ProLehre Intensive Course - Science Slam, Germany. May 2018
  • Keynote Interactive Learning at a Workshop with the Applied Software Technology Research Group of the University of Hamburg, Germany July 2017
  • Guest Lecture Continuous Software Engineering in the course Project Organization and Management at Technical University Clausthal, Germany. June 2017
  • Guest Lecture Continuous Software Engineering at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Bangkok, Thailand. March 2017
  • Keynote How to Improve the Learning Experience by Incorporating Interactive Learning at International Conference on Advanced Education and Management Science. Bangkok, Thailand. March 2017
  • Topic Camp Interactive Learning at eLearning Day Active Integration of Students into Digital Education at Media Center TUM. Munich, Germany. March 2017
  • Guest Lecture The Architectural Style REST in the course Patterns in Software Engineering at Technische Universität München. Munich, Germany. December 2016
  • Guest Lecture Architectures for Continuous Delivery in the course Design of Software Systems at University of Southern Denmark. November 2016


Interviews and Reports

Honors and Awards



“Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Involve me and I will understand.
Step back and I will act.”

(Chinese proverb)


I participated in many projects, the following is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Artemis open source project (2016 - 2024)
  • Apollon open source project (2018 - 2024)
  • Ares open source project (2020 - 2024)
  • Learn.ON, eon, Marc Mann (2019)
  • PinTeam, Martin Gruber (2018)
  • Automated Stock Replenishment, Zeiss, Nicolas Steinberg (iPraktikum WS 16/17)
  • Veato, Jan Henne (2016 - 2017)
  • Livecards, Markus Fograscher (2015 - 2017)
  • Mileways, Alexander Lueck (2015 - 2020)
  • Reto - Open Source Real-Time P2P framework for Swift and Java (2014 - 2017)
  • Machine Dashboard, Zeiss, Holger Blum (iPraktikum 2016)
  • BMW Factory, BMW, Christoph Kracke (iPraktikum WS 15/16)
  • TeleClinic, Katharina Jünger (2015)
  • opentabs, Sebastian Heise (2015)
  •, Benjamin Libor (2015)
  • Retail Analytics of Car Showrooms, BMW, Vitus Holzner (iOS Praktikum 2015)
  • Development of an Eclipse RCP application for Functional Safety, Engineering Consulting GmbH, Marcus Heine (2014 - 2015)
  • Development of several Eclipse RCP applications, M2M transformations and code generations, Berner & Mattner, Alexander Kühndel and Ferdinand Arndt (2008 - 2015)
  • ecp-p2p - Generic Real-Time Collaboration Framework for iOS, OS X and Java to connect with EMFStore (2012 - 2015)
  • RealTimeUML - iPad Application for Real-Time Collaboration on UML Models (2013 - 2015)
  • Retail Analytics of Car Showrooms, BMW, Vitus Holzner (iOS Praktikum WS 14/15)
  • Online Appointment Scheduling for Car Maintenance, BMW, Vitus Holzner (iOS Praktikum 2014)
  • Remote Maintenance for Aircraft Systems, EADS, Bernhard Baudisch (2011 - 2013)
  • FishyFish - iOS Adventure Game with GameCenter integration (2013)
  • Mobile Scrum iOS Application (2013)
  • Travel Navigator for your iPhone, MaibornWolff et al and FTI, Sophie Mahé and Angelo Putzolu (iOS Praktikum 2013)
  • Holiday Companion for the Pocket, MaibornWolff et al and Open Travel Services, Sophie Mahé and Christa Walther (iOS Praktikum 2012)
  • Recommendation and Configuration of Audio Profiles for Hearing Devices, Contwist and Soundperience, Achim Ittner and Andreas Perscheid (iOS Praktikum 2011)
  • Market Research Application for Super Markets, Linova and GfK, Tobias Weishäupl and Andreas Braun (iOS Praktikum 2011)
  • Master’s Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Tool for the Generation of Test Environments for AUTOSAR Software Components (2010)
  • Multiplayer In-Car Game, BMW, Mehrnoush Rhamani and Jeff Zabel (iOS Praktikum 2010)
  • Facility Management, Optimization of Resource Plans, Flughafen München, Georg Neumeier and Manfred Zötl (Dolli 3, 2009)
  • weMakeWords - Collaborative Learning Game for Children, Kinderpsychologische Praxis Garmisch, Dr. Peter Pohl (iOS Praktikum 2009)


Contact me during the office hours for more information. You can also bring your own ideas if they fit to my research interests.

I recommend to use the Typst template for your proposal and your thesis (please adapt it to your own needs). Please create pull requests for improvement suggestions.


  • You are responsible for your thesis. It is your project. Make a schedule including milestones, manage your project and actively promote it.
  • Take notes during or after the supervision meetings so that you don’t forget the feedback and the most important decisions.
  • Start writing from the beginning by taking notes and structuring your thoughts. This helps to reflect about the progress.
  • Communicate clearly and proactively: It is absolutely ok, if you make mistakes, learn from them!
  • A thesis consists of the following parts:
    • Software engineering project (analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration, delivery)
    • Case study / evaluation (only Master’s Thesis)
    • Thesis document
  • Thesis writing tips (in German):

Open topics

Many theses topics relate to Artemis: and

If you are interested, please clone the Git repository and get Artemis running in your local development environment (e.g. IntelliJ) before sending an email to me. Include your transcript and CV and describe your motivation and experiences.

Ongoing theses

  1. Pellumb Baboci. Enhancement of messaging and communication in learning platforms. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  2. Sven Andabaka. iOS Application for Learning Management Systems. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  3. Tobias Lippert. Ensuring Privacy Compliance in an Interactive Learning Platform. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2023
  4. Dominik Remo, Lara Dvorsek. Improvement of the Test Quality of an Open-Source Learning Platform. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2023
  5. Luca Grabowski. Enhancing Assessment and Feedback for Progamming Exercises in Orion Plugin. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2023
  6. Jakub Riegel. Continuous Plagiarism Control. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  7. Michael Assad. Filibuster: Automatic Fault Injection and Unit Test Generation in Microservice Architectures with Database Instances. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  8. Lennart Keller. Amplifying Engagement, Interaction, and Communication in Learning Platforms. Master’s Thesis. 2023

Supervised theses

  1. Frederik Kutsch. Supporting Local Version Control and Continuous Integration in Learning Management Systems. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  2. Tim Ortel. Mobile Applications for Learning Management Systems. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  3. Simon Huang, Lucas Welscher. Learning Analytics of Grading Programming Exercises. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  4. Stefan Waldhauser. Supporting Tutor Group Management and Communication. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  5. Simon Leiß. Scaling of a Monolith Application Using Microservice Architecture. Master’s Thesis. 2023
  6. Sebastian Nikles. Evaluation of Existing Learning Management Systems and Suggestion for an Easier and Faster To Learn Design of a Learning Management System. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  7. Swornim Shrestha. Improvement of the User Experience in Online Modeling Editors. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  8. Ata Kesfeden. Integration of a Bonus System for Grading in Learning Platforms. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  9. Patrick Bassner. Improving User Interface Consistency and Usability in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  10. Ali Canberk Anar. Enhancing Communication in Learning Platforms. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  11. Michael Allgeier. Automatically Corrected Test Exams. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  12. Dominik Weinzierl. Exam Live Statistics. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  13. Snezhina Milusheva. Evolution of a Software Engineering Project Course. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  14. Timor Morrien, Ole Vester. Hestia: Helping Students with Automated Hints. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  15. Matthias Linhuber. Towards a Kubernetes Supported Learning Infrastructure at Scale. Master’s Thesis. 2022
  16. Julian Christl. Integration of Security Best Practices into the Artemis Development Workflow. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  17. Georg Willer. Interactive Charts in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2022
  18. Merlin Mehmed. Migration of Artemis’ Architecture from Monolithic to Microservices. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  19. Merve Pinar. Changing the Grading Criteria During the Assessment in Learning Management Systems. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  20. Olimbia Qirjaqi. Improvement of the Tutor Training in Learning Management Systems. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  21. Lorena Schlesinger. METIS: Multiplying Engagement Through Interacting Socially on the Artemis Learning Platform. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  22. Daniel Kainz. iOS Programming Exercises in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  23. Robert Schauer, Julian Hainzlschmid. Automatic User Interface Testing using Cypress. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  24. Alexander Malyuk. Run Time Notifications in Dynamically Changing Systems. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  25. Martin Dunker. Development of Manual Assessment for Programming Exercises in the Orion Plugin. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  26. Patrick Zintel. Improving the Websocket and REST Communication in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  27. Niclas Schümann, Johannes Stöhr, Florian Glombik. Improving the Tutor Experience in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  28. Ivo Hashamov. Artemis Exam Mode Extension. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  29. Melih Özbeyli. Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  30. Ivan Chimeno. Portability in Artemis: Platform Independent Version Control and Continuous Integration. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  31. Simon Entholzer. Artemis Exam Mode Extension. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  32. Nicolas Rauscher. Flexible Correction Rounds in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  33. René Lalla. Interactive Programming Exercises in Swift. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  34. Lukas Franke. Improving navigation, usability, consistency and user experience in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  35. Dominik Fuchs. Teaching Analytics in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  36. Stefan Waldhauser. Integration Learning Analytics in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  37. Philipp Bauch. Improved Integration of Plagiarism Detection into Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2021
  38. Francisco De las Casas Young. Manual Assessment of Programming Exercises in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2021
  39. Stefan Klöss-Schuster. Automatic Generation of Feedback using Static Code Analysis in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  40. Tobias Priesching. Transforming Apollon into a Modeling Management System. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  41. Balazs Czopf. Integration of Gamification into Artemis with Achievements. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  42. Kilian Schulte. Visualizing Code Feedback in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  43. Sebastian Jagla. Integration of Gamification with Leaderboard in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  44. Andi Turdiu. Online Exams in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  45. Sascha Beele. Development of a Notification System for Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  46. Filip Gregurevic. Improving Questions and Answers in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  47. Simon Leiß. Securing and Scaling Artemis Websocket Architecture. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  48. Martin Wauligmann. Team-based Exercises in Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  49. Hanya Elhashemy. Structured Grading Criteria for the Assessment of Exercises in Artemis. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2020
  50. Alexander Ungar. Development of an IDE Plugin for ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  51. Maksym Radchuk. Improving Efficiency and Consistency of Artemis. Master’s Thesis. 2020
  52. Anh Montag. Improvement of the usability of Artemis through guided tutorials. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  53. Jan-Thilo Behnke. Extension of Programming Exercises in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  54. Christian Ziegner. Extension of Semi-Automatic Assessment of Modeling Exercise in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  55. Maximilian Meier. Improvement of the usability of the course structure in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  56. Maximilian Jelinek. Conflict Handling for the Assessment of Modeling Exercises in ArTEMiS. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2019
  57. Riccardo Padovani. Development of a Fair Assessment System in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  58. Julian Willand. Refactoring and Extending the UML Modeling Editor Apollon. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  59. Ekaterina Sebina. Improvements of the Quiz Functionality in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  60. Ekaterina Sebina. Usability Evaluation of the Quiz Exercise Creation in ArTEMiS. Guided Research. 2019
  61. Francisco De Las Casas Young. Extension of Quiz Exercises in ArTEMiS. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  62. Kristian Dimo. Improving Test Case Handling in ArTEMiS. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2019
  63. Stefan Kreuzer. Incremental Reengineering - From JavaScript to TypeScript: A Case Study. Master’s Thesis. 2019
  64. Mai Ton Nu Cam. Integrating Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises into the ArTEMiS platform. Master’s Thesis. 2018
  65. David Otter. Development and Evaluation of a Machine Learning Approach for Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises on the ArTEMiS platform. Master’s Thesis. 2018
  66. Julian Frielinghaus. Semi-Automatic Grading of Modeling Exercises using Machine Learning on the ArTEMiS platform. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2018
  67. Marius Schulz. Assessment of Solutions to Modeling Exercises in Education. Master’s Thesis. 2018
  68. Valentin Schlattinger. Extending ArTEMiS: Interactive Live Quizzes in the Classroom. Master’s Thesis. 2018
  69. Moritz Issig. Development of an Interactive Live Quiz Component with Instant Statistics in ArTEMiS. Bachelor’s Thesis. 2018
  70. Yue Chi. Development and Evaluation of a Tool for Adaptive Learning in MOOCs. Master’s Thesis. 2018
  71. Dominik Chessa. Integrating Structured User Feedback on Mobile Devices into the Agile Development Workflow. Master’s Thesis. 2017
  72. Josias Montag. Conducting Interactive Programming Exercises in Online Courses. Master’s Thesis. 2017
  73. Josef Seidl. Recommendations for Video Production in Massive Open Online Courses and Inverted Classrooms. Master’s Thesis. 2017
  74. Dominik Münch. Conducting Interactive Programming Exercises in Large Lectures. Master’s Thesis. 2016
  75. Sami Afifi. Interactive Massive Open Online Courses. Master’s Thesis. 2016
  76. Andreas Greimel. Automatic Evaluation of Programming Exercises using Continuous Integration. Master’s Thesis. 2016
  77. A Comparison of Tools for Agile Project Management with Rugby (Sajjad Taheritanjani)
  78. Comparison of Review Workflows (Arseniy Vershinin)
  79. Evaluating Branch-based Code Review Management Workflows (Mjellma Berisha)
  80. Improvement of Feedback Workflows in Agile Projects (Dora Dzvonyar)
  81. Application and Evaluation of a Semiformal Requirements Specification Language: A Case Study (David Frey)
  82. A Framework to Support Users with Real Time Collaboration (Hendrik Noeller)
  83. Introduction of Agile Processes and Continuous Delivery in a Corporate Environment (Sebastian Klepper)
  84. Development of a Real-Time Collaboration Platform for Model-Driven Software Development with AUTOSAR (Simon Moissl)
  85. Reto: A Ubiquitous P2P Framework (Julian Asamer)
  86. Assessment of Real Time Collaboration in Model-based System Design (Maximilian Schramme)
  87. Collaborative Release Management in Agile Software Development (Andreas Seitz)
  88. Cross-platform Frameworks and the Applicability to Mobile Business Applications (Sebastian Dirrigl)
  89. Remote Real-time Collaboration (David Schöninger)
  90. P2P based Real-Time Synchronization for the EMF Client (Dominik Münch)
  91. WARP – A Web Framework for Real-Time Object Synchronization (Dominique d’Argent)
  92. A Framework for Continuous Delivery in Project-based Organizations (Lukas Alperowitz)
  93. Peer-to-Peer iOS Application for Collaborative Modeling in Real-Time (Hieu Trung Dao)
  94. Extending the BMW B2B portal with a REST web service (Rui Yuan)
  95. Mobile Scrum (Tobias Konsek)
  96. Easy and reusable client server framework for iOS applications (Artem Grebenkin)
  97. Usable Modeling Application for Mobile Devices (Tobias Sterner)
  98. Extension of the ecp-ios Framework with a Peer-to-Peer Component for Real Time Data Synchronization amongst Participating Clients (Elias Stehle)
  99. Comparison and Evaluation of Cross-platform Frameworks for the Development of Mobile Business Applications (Andreas Sommer)
  100. Collaborative, Usable Application for Agile Project Management (Marküs Lücking, Christian Flasche)
  101. Indoor Location Tracking Framework for mobile devices (Seán Labastille)
  102. Collaborative, Usable Application for Project Management on Mobile Devices (Christopher Füseschi)
  103. Design and Implementation of a Content Management System for the Serious Game weMakeWords (Michael Bigontina)
  104. Objective-C Framework to communicate with EMFStore (Dominik Weber)
  105. Development and Implementation of a Mobile Survey Application with 3D Product Models (Adrian Schnell)

Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

External Profiles

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