Carlotta Sophia Hölzle

Postal Address
Technical University of Munich
Carlotta Sophia Hölzle (CIT–I1)
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München

🫶🏻 Initiatives

TUM Entdeckerinnen – TUMEntdeckerinnen is an innovative initiative that aims to get more girls interested in STEM subjects. This project cooperates with schools in Bavaria to provide girls with the opportunity to get an insight into STEM topics for a day. In our informatics project, the girls get to experience what computer science is, learn about the experiences of female computer scientists, and discover how exciting, eye-opening and interesting working in the field can be. To adress gender imbalance it is important to encourage and inspire more young girls to pursue STEM subjects, and TUMEntdeckerinnen is doing just that.

👤 Short CV

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Computer Science
Technical University of Munich, Germany
2020 - ongoing

High School Diploma
German High School “Katholische Marienschule Potsdam”, Germany
2014 - 2020

High School
Australian High School “Stella Maris College Manly”, Australia

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