01.07.037Postal Address
Technical University of Munich
Felix T.J. Dietrich, M.Sc. (CIT–I1)
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München
Felix T.J. Dietrich, M.Sc. (CIT–I1)
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München
Office hours by appointment — please contact me via mail.
🧑🔬 Research Topics & Interests
- Educational Technology
- Learning Analytics
- Adaptive Learning
🏛 Organization
- 2024: GenAI Talks Coordination - Monthly Lightning Talks, see BayernCollab. Munich (Germany), starting August 2024.
🏆 Awards
💻 Projects
Team Projects
- iABG — Field Grid (iPraktikum SS 24)
Software Projects
- Hephaestus - Supporting Novice Software Engineers in Collaborative Environments.
👨🏫 Teaching
📚 Theses
If you are interested in writing your thesis in the research group, apply using the thesis management.
In Progress
Student | Advisor(s) | Supervisor(s) | Title | Type | Year |
No theses found