Applied Software Engineering

Research Group Team — Doctoral Seminar October 2023

Latest News and Events from Applied Software Engineering

We want you! Looking for tutors for Introduction to Programming in WS24-25 👩🏼‍🏫🧑🏻‍🏫👨🏾‍🏫🚀
27 Jun 2024 • Ramona Beinstingel

Are you passionate about education and eager to make a difference in the academic journey of students? We invite motivated students like you to join our team as a tutor for Introduction to Programming and play a key role in shaping the learning experience. This is a unique opportunity to deepen your software engineering and programming skills while helping your peers. Join us and become a valuable member of our highly motivated, international student team!

Santiago Berrezueta wins "Best Presentation" award at the 2024 IE Conference
25 Jun 2024 • Ignacio Garcia

The International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE) is held annually at different locations around the world, and focuses on research in the field of interactive spaces made possible by the use of different technologies. Artificial intelligence, communication technologies, and sensing interfaces, along with more contributions from multiple disciplines, allow for the design of intelligent environments that can enrich users’ activities and interactions. The 20th edition of the conference was held during June in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and awarded distinctions to the best papers and presentations.

Felix T.J. Dietrich Wins Apple's Swift Student Challenge 2024
7 Jun 2024 • Stephan Krusche

We are pleased to announce that Felix T.J. Dietrich has earned a spot in the Swift Student Challenge 2024. This competition, part of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), recognizes innovative projects by student developers worldwide. Felix’s project, an iPad app designed to improve financial health, secured him one of the 350 scholarships. The Swift Student Challenge allows students to showcase their coding skills by creating a Swift Playgrounds project. Winners this receive a year of free access to the Apple Developer Program and Apple AirPods Max.

ITiCSE '24 - Paper Accepted - Iris: An AI-Driven Virtual Tutor for Computer Science Education
15 Apr 2024 • Patrick Bassner

We are excited to announce the acceptance of our research paper titled “Iris: An AI-Driven Virtual Tutor for Computer Science Education” at ITiCSE 2024! In this innovative research, we explore the integration of Iris, a chat-based virtual tutor, within the Artemis learning platform. This development addresses a critical challenge in computer science education: the need for personalized, context-aware learning experiences that can adapt to individual student needs in large-scale educational environments.

Future of ADHD Care: Evaluating the Efficacy of ChatGPT in Therapy Enhancement
20 Mar 2024 • Santiago Berrezueta

We are thrilled to share that our research paper has been published in the volume 9 of Healthcare Journal. Flowchart to generate a custom ChatGPT. Our latest research paper presents a pioneering study on the integration of ChatGPT, a large language model, into therapeutic settings for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This work delves into how AI can significantly enhance ADHD treatment methods beyond conventional pharmacological approaches. By employing the Delphi method for systematic forecasting and involving a panel of child ADHD therapy experts, the study assesses ChatGPT’s effectiveness in simulated therapy scenarios.

News and events overview

iPraktikum: iOS Development with industry partners

The iPraktikum is a practical course centered around innovation. It covers mobile applications for smart devices, ranging from standalone applications, embedded systems including hardware and sensors to the design of modern interfaces for complex business applications.

Students learn and apply software engineering and usability engineering techniques. This includes object-oriented modeling and system design as well as the realization of graphical user interfaces, usability testing, continuous integration and continuous delivery.

Real industrial partners provide problem statements as clients. 8-12 companies participate in the iPraktikum every semester, each with a different problem statement and its own team. 60-100 students regularly participate and deliver these applications using agile techniques and communicating continuously to their clients.

Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche

Mission Statement

The world is changing ever faster. We address complex problems and fast cycles with agile methods and continuous software engineering. With partners from industry and academia, we develop, implement, and evaluate innovative methods and solutions to deal with today's challenges.

We apply educational technologies and artificial intelligence to enhance learning and teaching. We involve students actively in the learning process and prepare them for future challenges. They participate in engaging, practical courses with real clients while having fun.

Social media

Administrative office

Sophia Adelmeier

Office: 01.07.052
Phone: +49 (89) 289-18206
Fax: +49 (89) 289-18207 Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München