Applied Education Technologies

Research Group Team — Doctoral Seminar September 2024

Mission statement

The world is changing ever faster. We address complex problems and fast cycles with agile methods and continuous software engineering. With partners from industry and academia, we develop, implement, and evaluate innovative methods and solutions to deal with today's challenges. We apply educational technologies and artificial intelligence to enhance learning and teaching. We involve students actively in the learning process and prepare them for future challenges. They participate in engaging, practical courses with real clients while having fun.

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iPraktikum: iOS Development with industry partners

The iPraktikum is a practical course centered around innovation. It covers mobile applications for smart devices, ranging from standalone applications, embedded systems including hardware and sensors to the design of modern interfaces for complex business applications.

Students learn and apply software engineering and usability engineering techniques. This includes object-oriented modeling and system design as well as the realization of graphical user interfaces, usability testing, continuous integration and continuous delivery.

Real industrial partners provide problem statements as clients. 8-12 companies participate in the iPraktikum every semester, each with a different problem statement and its own team. 60-100 students regularly participate and deliver these applications using agile techniques and communicating continuously to their clients.

Our partners

We are an Apple Authorized Training Center for education (AATCe). We offer courses on Swift and Swift UI, iOS development, and app design for students as part of the iPraktikum.

Partner Universities

Industry partners